CT Cliptechnik Deutschland GmbH, supply well-known meat manufacturer in Germany and also world-wide in the fields of clip closure technique. More than 30 years of professional qualification we prove daily when dealing with our customers. We are very proud of the high-quality products we offer, especially on clipper of the CDC and ClipStar series “Made in Germany”. Because of the selection of clip closure machines, also in the range of recloseable clips, vacuum package that pair well with food processing machinery, and the wide assortment of consumables we have meanwhile successfully managed to become a respected partner in the international field of meat, bakery, gastronomy as well as the non-food industry.

Tabletop Single Clipper
Allrounder for handicraft business and industrial companies
Up to four different clip sizes for all purposes
Minimal air-consumption
Hygienic stainless steel design
Easy to clean due to smooth surfaces
Loop inserter optinonal
Calibre 30 - 200 mm
Clipseries CT 140 - CT 170
natural and artificial casings
The universal clipper for small and large natural or artificial casings between calibre 30 – 200 mm.
Semi-Automatic Double Clipper
Semi-automatic Double Clipper
Calibre range 25 to 105 mm
Up to four different clip sizes for all purposes
Minimal air-consumption
Hygienic stainless steel design
Loop inserter optional
Compatible with all commercially available stuffers
CDC 800
Calibre 25 - 105 mm
Clipseries CT 810 - CT 830
Natural, FIber, Cellulose- and Artificial Casings